Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Update on 27 in 2011

So I haven't yet provided any updates on my 27 in 2011, so just thought I would share!

  1. top secret - working on it
  2. take banjo lessons (or start again) - haven't started
  3. rock climb at least once a month - haven't started
  4. run with Char at least once a week - done once (aka not doing so well)
  5. try at least 2 new recipes a month - this was a typo, it was supposed to be a month and so far I have been doing just that.  Two a month (pics below)
  6. floss daily - doing pretty well, flossing most days
  7. get pictures organized (finish printing 2009, wedding photos, create photo books, etc.) - kinda
  8. read 6 books - not doing so well
  9. lose XX lbs. (and keep 'em off!) - I don't think anyone needs to know this number! - no comment
  10. clean out my closet & back closet - no comment again
  11. learn to crochet and make cowl - done (see pics below)
  12. learn to make pasta
  13. learn to knit and make stirrup socks
  14. paint some furniture (the china cabinet, and redo the red table)
  15. re-learn to use my SLR camera
  16. develop a better understanding of my finances & create a budget
  17. pay off 2 debts - working on it
  18. learn to do my eye makeup
  19. try at least two new sewing projects a month
  20. go someplace with snow- may have to wait to the end of the year for this one
  21. organize my fabric and sewing supplies - almost finished
  22. update my wine file and keep it up to date
  23. get a massage
  24. get my files in order and keep them organized
  25. take vitamins daily - doing very well and keeping up
  26. get Rhubarb Baby off the ground (I'll talk more about this later)
  27. get a new blog up and going and post at least once a week - DONE! (at least partially)
So all in all I don't think I am doing great, so I think I need to keep it moving.  Here is some pics of what I have done.
Sewing project #1 January: fabric boxes for my brothers girlfriend who is a hairdresser.
Sewing Project #2 January: squeeky bone for my puppy
Learn to crochet and make cowl:

I also made a hat for Marsh and a ton of fingerless gloves, some for me and some for a friend.

Two new recipes in January: New recipe for cinnamon rolls and breakfast casserole
Two new recipes February: For valentines dinner we made filet au poivre and au gratin potatoes

So there is my little update.

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